

What Matters Most

Do The Right Thing

"We are not thinking machines that feel; rather, we are feeling machines that think." 
- Antonio Damasio  

When an individual’s 'State of Being' is aligned with their actions of Doing, it lays the foundation for
positive personal performance, productivity, and profits. Choosing actions that align with one's core values creates a level of personal integration that serves the ultimate state of wholeness: Integrity

People with integrity are the kind of leaders and employees that others want to follow. 
It 's witnessed through values, beliefs, and actions that drive the organization’s bottom-line results. 
While not all beliefs are values, all values are beliefs.
Understanding the full measure of this is where mediocrity ends.

Do The Right Thing Right

When it comes to performance improvement and employee engagement, an individual’s internal self-awareness and insight matter. It serves as a guide toward right action. Understanding how a person’s “way of Doing” (individual actions) is influenced by their “way of Being” (personality and values) is critical. Every word and every action either strengthens or sabotages relationships and, in turn, results. One supports the other.
"My experiences with you truly impacted my leadership style and outdated beliefs. I was especially affected by the True North exercise. This was life-altering. I'm very grateful." 
- Executive, Insurance Industry

Do It Holistically For Sustainability

Sustainable change includes an intentional focus on all parts of the whole - from individual intentions and actions, to enacted skills and transactional results - all in an effort to be aligned, coherent, and consistent.

Understanding beliefs and values that affect performance requires reflection to unveil thoughts and actions that essentially need Redirecting, Reinforcing or Reinvention. Without reflection, Doing can become an unconscious habit that keeps us from knowing and Being our best self.

And when a person discovers the motivating force that lies at the heart of their actions, they're positioned for a higher standard of transformational and sustainable results. 
"Leadership is a Choice, not a Position." - Tom Peters
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